[albatross-users] ALbatross 1.33

Andrew McNamara andrewm at object-craft.com.au
Wed Apr 5 14:28:23 EST 2006

>Has anyone had this problem?  I have installed albatross 1.33 but when I
>try and start it, it fails and when I run the tests in the test directory
>they all pass except one test which comes up with "cannot connect to
>session server".
>Anythoughts on what I've done wrong to not make Albatross start up?

Use ps to see if the session daemon is running. If no, either the init.d
script is failing, or the session daemon is aborting during startup for
some reason.

To work out which - look at the session daemon log file (apparently
/var/log/albatross/al-session-daemon.log in your case) - if the session
daemon is aborting, it will have logged the reason.

You could also temporarily remove the "> /dev/null 2>&1" from your init.d
script and run it by hand to see any errors generated by this part of
the script.

Are you sure /usr/local/src/bin is the correct path? /usr/local/bin would
be more typical.

>The script I'm using is
>start() {
>        local _log_prefix='/var/log/albatross'
>        local _subsystem='al-session-daemon'
>        /bin/su -l albatross -s /bin/sh -c \
>                "/usr/local/src/bin/al-session-daemon
>{_subsystem}.pid  --log=${_log_prefix}/${_subsystem}.log start > /dev/null
> < /dev/null
>        [ "$?" -eq 0 ] && success || failure
>        touch /var/lock/subsys/albatross
>        return $?

Andrew McNamara, Senior Developer, Object Craft

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