[albatross-users] New release?

Dave Cole djc at object-craft.com.au
Tue Sep 23 10:16:20 EST 2003

>>>>> "Sheila" == Sheila King <sheila at thinkspot.net> writes:

Sheila> Dave, thanks for the tip below. I'm SURPISED it is that
Sheila> simple, because...  I've looked in the archives for assistance
Sheila> on this topic and found nowhere such a simple solution.

I didn't know about it until 15 minutes before I wrote the email :-).

All I did was

$ python setup.py install --help

Then wondered what all of those options were for :-).

Sheila> Might be worth mentioning in the installation docs?

I have added the following to the installation section of the manual:

If you already have a copy of Albatross installed and wish to test the
new release before installing it globally then you can install an
application private copy.  If your application is installed in
\texttt{/path/to/proj} then the following command will install a copy
of Albatross that is only visible to that application:
python setup.py install --install-lib /path/to/proj --install-scripts /path/to/proj

- Dave


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