[albatross-users] XML and Albatross templates?

Andrew McNamara andrewm at object-craft.com.au
Mon May 9 16:42:25 EST 2005

>Note that this also means that albatross tags within html tags are no
>longer necessary. So this horrible contruct should be a thing of the past:
>    <td colspan="<al-value expr='n.span()'>">
>This is now written:
>    <al-td al-colspan="n.span()">

I've just checked the implementation, and my example isn't correct. It
should read (note the changed attribute name):

    <al-td colspanexpr="n.span()">

In this case, the attribute is evaluated, and the result substitued, eg:

    <td colspan="3">

There is a second notation for boolean attributes:

    <al-input name="abc.value" disabledbool="abc.isdisabled()" />

which will evaluate the expression and emit the attribute if result
is true:

    <input name="abc.value" disabled />

Andrew McNamara, Senior Developer, Object Craft

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