[albatross-users] newbie (coming from java) question

Didrik Pinte pinted at tiscali.be
Wed Jun 2 19:40:06 EST 2004

Le mer 02/06/2004 à 09:56, Gregory Bond a écrit :
> Oh OK I think I see the problem.
> The _first time_ you get to the ListPage object, the call seq will be
>  prevpage.page_exit()
>  ListPage.page_enter()
>  ListPage.page_display()
> ctx.locals.doclist is not set because it is only set once someone hits the
> "recherche" button and ListPager.page_process() is called.
> the fix: make ListPage.page_enter() like this:
> 	def page_enter(self, ctx):
> 		self.locals.doclist = []
> 		ctx.add_session_variables('doclist')

Here is the latest version of the class, it works, the page is displayed
but the doclist seems empty. 

Do you know how I can debug this  ? I've tried to add some
sys.stderr.write('problem') in the code but I have no output ...

class ListPage:
    '''This page shows the list of results due to the search

    name = 'list'

    def page_enter(self, ctx):
        ctx.locals.doclist = []
    def page_process(self,ctx):
        if ctx.req_equals('detail'):
        elif ctx.req_equals('recherche'):
            container = getContainer()
            for result in
            if len(ctx.locals.doclist)<1 :
                ctx.locals.error = "No document found"
            else :
    def page_display(self,ctx):
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