[albatross-users] pagination with al-for

Andrew McNamara andrewm at object-craft.com.au
Tue Jan 6 13:27:16 EST 2004

>>It does highlight a design issue in albatross as well, since any other
>>additions of this nature would also affect several tags.  We have talked
>>about instead of using custom attributes for each method, i.e.
>>nextpage="i", there would be a generic attribute "action", which could
>>work like action="i.nextpage()" - which would allow custom tags an
>>eassier time of adding features along these lines.
>Yeah. I like that idea. Dave?

Oops - "action" is used in HTML, which could cause some confusion. I'd
suggest something like "al-action", but I suspect that's not legal XML
(I'll have to research it).

It's actually considerably more complicated than the nextpage backdoor
(which just relies on a specifically formatted input:


We're essentially talking about executing the code, not at template
execution time as happens with things like valuexpr, but at form
submission time. What we would probably need to do is save the value of
the al-action attribute in __albform__. This really brings the security
issuses of the hidden field mixins to a head - but in one sense we're
already executing the __albform__ pickle (unpickling needs to be able
to instanciate classes).

Andrew McNamara, Senior Developer, Object Craft

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