[albatross-users] Plans for next release?

Dave Cole djc at object-craft.com.au
Mon Aug 9 11:44:06 EST 2004

Tim Churches wrote:
> On Sat, 2004-08-07 at 22:52, Michael Neel wrote:
>>>That's good. However, I'm a little surprised and worried about the fact
>>>that the Object Craft people haven't participated more in this
>>>discussion. After all, if Object Craft decides not to join in on the SF
>>>project, we are talking about a fork here.
>>Remember they are aussies, and are asleep when we are awake, plus the
>>weekend comes sooner to them than to us.
> I understand that congratulations are in order for Mark (Object Craft
> business manager), or rather, for his partner, who just gave birth to
> their first child. I suspect that the Object Craft crew are too busy
> downing cleansing ales in celebration to answer emails right now.

Mother and baby are well.  Mark is very tired and has been ringing us up 
to check how things are going in his absence.  I suspect he is already 
thinking of work as an escape from the baby. (Anyone who has had a baby 
knows about this trick.)

- Dave


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