[albatross-users] Plans for next release?

Michael Neel neel at mediapulse.com
Sat Aug 7 22:52:29 EST 2004

> I do believe that freedom cannot exist without requiring responsibility.
> The GPL incorporates that requirement into the license, while the BSD
> license trusts everyone to have that responsibility anyway. In that
> sense, the BSD license is quite idealistic -- which is commendable.

Yes, that's in a nutshell the difference between the Free Software people
and the Open Source people.  I suppose it will be one of those great
questions you can't really answer, like is a child born with the
understanding of right from wrong, or is it learned?  Still whatever you do,
do not play that free software song anymore... =p

> Well, I'm happy to say that we have exchanged more than two emails
> discussing this, without having included a single personal insult! That
> seems to be rare these days ;)

The difference betweeen python developers and perl?  Oops, there is that

> That's good. However, I'm a little surprised and worried about the fact
> that the Object Craft people haven't participated more in this
> discussion. After all, if Object Craft decides not to join in on the SF
> project, we are talking about a fork here.

Remember they are aussies, and are asleep when we are awake, plus the
weekend comes sooner to them than to us.  At least it did for me while I was
stationed in Korea, so I assume it's the same down there.

It's not so much if it's a fork or not, it is.  It's that it's a blessed
fork that still works with the parent project and community =D.


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