[albatross-users] can't figure out why it's flipping me the bird

Michael C. Neel neel at mediapulse.com
Thu Sep 11 23:49:57 EST 2003

In your al-input you have the "list" attrib set:

>      <al-input type="checkbox" name="albatross_token" 
> valueexpr="line.value().token"  list 
> onclick="CCA(this,'mystery');DownHalt();" >
>      <td>

but you set it as a string here:

>      <al-if expr="line.value().checked=='on'">
>        <al-exec expr="albatross_token = line.value().token">
>      <al-else>
>        <al-exec expr="albatross_token = 'off'">
>      </al-if>

The "list" attrib tell albatross that the varible should be created as a
list; shorthand for:

<al-exec expr="albatross_token = []">
<al-input type="checkbox" name="albatross_token" value="on">

In your example, albtross_token is a string, but then later it's refered
to as a list which I think is what is causing the error.


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