[albatross-users] Bug with persistentlists and such (1.10)

Michael C. Neel neel at mediapulse.com
Wed Nov 12 06:29:41 EST 2003

> | Doesn't map imply a function call for every element of the list?
> If it is has a list interface, then yes.  But if it has a list
> interface, we want to do that anyhow.  Look at what the code does:
>         try:
>             if str(value_attr) in map(str, value):
>                 ctx.write_content(' checked')
>         [handle exception]
> Compare this with the original code:
>         if type(value) in (type([]), type(())):
>             if str(value_attr) in map(str, value):
>                 ctx.write_content(' checked')
> As you can see, it still does the same thing, and map will fail on
> objects which doesn't have a list interface.  If they _do_ have a list
> interface, it's desirable that expr does work as expected.  If it
> looks like a list, walks like a list and talks like a list, then it is
> a list.

But strings *do* have a list interface.   Consider:

>>> test = "testme"
>>> test[2]
>>> map(str, test)
['t', 'e', 's', 't', 'm', 'e']

So while the odds are low that when value is a string it will match, we
still ran a function call for every item (in this case the letters).

> | A bit high on the overhead don't you think for a type check?
> Doing an interface check instead of type check?  And doing it in C
> instead of Python (map is C)?  No, that's lower overhead, not higher.

Skipping the string error for a second, in this case we are going to map
anyway so there wouldn't be harm - but if you are type checking with map
and don't need the output of map, like you just want to get a len(),
then we just called str() on every element of the list.  It's this
function call I mean when I say overhead, not map itself.

> | I'm not sure how it checks now, but a test of "isinstance(val,
> | list)" will catch lists and classes built from list.
> What do you mean by <classes built from list>?  List is a native type,
> it's not a class, so you can't inherit from it.

Welcome to python 2.3, it's not your father's python:

>>> class MyList(list):
...     pass
>>> lst = MyList()
>>> lst
>>> lst.append(2)
>>> lst.append(3)
>>> lst.append(4)
>>> lst
[2, 3, 4]
>>> type(lst)
<class '__main__.MyList'>
>>> isinstance(lst, list)

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