[albatross-users] popview example from documentation

Sheila King sheila at thinkspot.net
Mon May 12 14:26:18 EST 2003

Thanks for the reply Greg...

--On Monday, May 12, 2003 1:38 PM +1000 Gregory Bond <gnb at itga.com.au> 

>> In Mozilla 1.3 it does't work at all. Clicking on the image link to view
>> the individual messages just returns me to the list page, repeatedly.
> I've seen something like this a few times, it usually happens after an
> Albatross application has raised an exception.  Sometimes Mozilla gets
> very attached to a cookie, and will continue to return the old cookie on
> all subsequent requests even if the application asks to set a new cookie.
> This causes the app to continually go back to the top page.  I've seen it
> happen on Netscape 6 as well.
> Closing and restarting the browser seems to fix it, assuming you are
> using  the default session-only cookies (i.e. haven't set an expire time
> on them).
> Greg.

Well, the popview1 example uses the SimpleApp and SimpleAppContext mixins 
with the HiddenField sessions, and I haven't modified the example at all, 
except for paths to my executable and my pop server's name.

So far as I am able to determine (but I'm new to Albatross), this example 
is using the default sessions without setting a default time out.

I closed down all instances of my Mozilla 1.3 browser and went to my 
popview1 example on my server, and logged in. (The previous time I'd tried 
this I got the password wrong on the first attempt, so your examplanation 
about having an exception that then, for the rest of the session causes 
problems, made sense...but these last two times I've tried this, I've made 
my log ins error-free...?)

I open a fresh browser instance, with no previous instances running. I go 
to the popview.py script. I log in without errors. I view the message list. 
I click on a "View" img tag to go to the individual message. No dice. Just 
keeps returning me to the list page.

I open the "Edit Preferences" menu in Mozilla and look at my "Manage 
Cookies" option. Nowhere in there can I find any evidence of a cookie 
corresponding to this session. Even immediately after clicking the "view 
details" img/link. Also, no cookie in evidence even immediately after 
completing a successful log in screen.

I also tried in mozilla 1.0. Same results.

I guess I am going to have to try to figure out how to do some sort of 
logging or debugging output, as at this moment I'm not getting any 
information from the process as to what is causing this problem. :\

Since sessions and stateful apps and cookies are fairly unfamiliar 
territory for me (in practice, not in concept), I would appreciate any 
additional feedback that anyone might have.

BTW, I'm using Win2K on both of the computers (clients) that I have tried 
this on, if that makes any difference. Python 2.2.2 on the Linux (RH) 
server and when I installed Albatross and ran the test, it gave me all (was 
it 83 or 81?) tests back with no errors.

Sheila King

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