[albatross-users] revisiting checkboxes..

Michael C. Neel neel at mediapulse.com
Fri Jun 27 00:53:15 EST 2003

Read the whole thread, and just wanted to offer up some other options;
so the "I have a hammer and every problem is a nail" syndrom can be
avioded =).  (this is AKA "I have perl and everything can be solved with
a regex").

First is, it seems you want the list of none-checked items.  This seems
odd; possbily consider changing the interface so that the user checks
the list you are really looking for (i.e. if they check the messages to
keep; have them instead check the ones to deleted?).

There is the "if list not in list" python statement you can use.  This
uses the store the list in the session; which I also have done with
large database results before without trouble (the reason there was the
querey was done once and not for every page or re-sort).  I would have
done even larger blocks of data, but file objects cannot be pickled =)
(and that's probably a good thing).

And lastly, there are radio buttons, which can have the on/off and will
all be sent in the request.

I don't know the details of your app, so I'm not sure if the above are
options or not, but just wanted to toss them out there.


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