[albatross-users] <al-input> (more sweet mysteries of life

Eric S. Johansson esj at harvee.org
Tue Jun 24 23:59:41 EST 2003

I was puzzling over why why does:
<al-input type="submit" nameexpr="sort_order"  valueexpr="on_top" >

<input type="submit" name="top">

sort_order and on_top are defined and I would have expected a name and value 
field for the submit button.  in playing around, I simplified it to:

<al-input type="submit" name="sortsubmit"  valueexpr="on_top" >

and accepted that the button name is constant.  Any state information will be 
handled by a separate hidden variable.  However, I still need to value to change 
because the label of the button changes telling the user importance date 

reading the fine manual, I come to find out that valueexpr is ignored for 
anything other than radio buttons and checkboxes.  I tried a couple of tricks 
with al-value but haven't found anything to work right.  It's beginning to look 
like I cannot do a simple variable substitution for the value field argument. 
Any pointers or ideas?  I'm currently looking at a if statements with replicated 
HTML inside changing only one field.

I also request that this restriction be lifted and valueexpr should be 
recognized anywhere the HTML value attribute is.


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