[albatross-users] unscriptable object

Dave Cole djc at object-craft.com.au
Tue Jul 15 11:06:58 EST 2003

>>>>> "Eric" == Eric S Johansson <esj at harvee.org> writes:

Eric> Dave Cole wrote: you have an interesting problem.  How do you
Eric> syntax check when you pass through all of the things that the
Eric> manager keywords.  Maybe we should start building a
Eric> "safe-to-pass" dictionary?
>> Rather than try to validate HTML all we do is look for the
>> attributes that are important to Albatross.  Validating HTML is a
>> pretty big job.

Eric> yes, validating HTML is a huge job.  However, the task gets much
Eric> smaller if you ask the question "is this a valid HTML/albatross
Eric> string".  then you would catch misspellings like the one I made
Eric> without adding a huge amount of weight.  The hard part then
Eric> becomes combing the HTML documentation for valid symbols or
Eric> strings or whatever you want to call them.

Eric> additionally, this does not need to be a hard and fast error but
Eric> can simply be a syslog directed warning turned on by explicit
Eric> call.

Eric> just an idea and worth exactly what you paid for it.  ;-)

I just did some research...

On Debian you can install two packages; tidy-proxy and
wdg-html-validator.  This will probably show you all sorts of things
about the HTML coming out of your application.

- Dave


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