[albatross-users] check boxes again.

Eric S. Johansson esj at harvee.org
Fri Jul 4 03:53:47 EST 2003

Eric S. Johansson wrote:

> http://harvee.org/greeneggs/retrain.cgi
> it is working better.

and betterer.  The question was

>  So, this is my next cognitive hurdle.  How do I directly turn the 
> checked attribute on or off?  or is it only possible using indirect means?

solved the setting checkbox problem by:

<al-exec expr="albatross_token = 'on'">

<al-input type="checkbox" name="albatross_token" 
valueexpr="line.value().checked" checked  list 
onclick="CCA(this,'mystery');DownReset();" >

simple but nonobvious.  I set the attribute albatross_token to always have a 
value of "on".  Then in the checkbox definition, I set valueexpr to have the 
value of "checked" which is an on/off value I calculate when defining the line 

Next trick is extracting *all* checkbox values...

> Code and templates available on request

hasn't changed (the offer that is)


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