[albatross-users] Pagination Issue

Andrew McNamara andrewm at object-craft.com.au
Fri Jan 24 10:50:13 EST 2003

>It is supposed to display the total number of results, then each result
>(20 per page).  However, it intermittently fails to display the results.
>Has anyone seen anything like this before?  Any clues at all would be
>greatly appreciated.

I think the first thing to do is to pull bits out of your application until
you have the smallest amount of code that still demonstrates your problem.

For example - there's a lot of complexity potentially hiding in the query
logic - try replacing it with some statically generated data and see if
you can still reproduce the problem.

You can also work in the other direction - start with the pagination
example included with Albatross and see if you can make it fail in the same
way as your application.

It you can reduce it to a simple enough example, consider posting it to
the list, and maybe someone on the list will be able to help you.

The other thing to remember is that Albatross isn't a closed box - you're
invited to tinker with it's internals in any way you want. In particular,
you might want to strategically place some sys.stderr.write() statements
in it so you can see how it's handling your request. You'll want to look
at the For and ListIterator classes in the tag.py module.

Please let us know what you find - even if it turns out to be a bug in your
code, it may spur us on to improving the documentation... 8-)

Andrew McNamara, Senior Developer, Object Craft

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