[python-sybase] Build runs into problems with sybasect extension

Sébastien Sablé sable at popsungard-finance.com
Thu Feb 15 03:05:26 EST 2007

Hi John,

I don't have a windows environment to test python-sybase for the moment. 
I will try to install that in coming weeks.

The following line in your log looks suspicious:
 > -llibblk -llibct -llibcs -lpython25 -lmsvcr71 -o

It should probably be something like:
 > -lblk -lct -lcs -lpython25 -lmsvcr71 -o

you should modify the setup.py file - line 76:

     syb_libs = ['libblk', 'libct', 'libcs']
     syb_libs = ['blk', 'ct', 'cs']

I suppose the script was made for compilation with visual studio rather 
than mingw32?

I should be able to provide a clean fix when I will have a windows 
environment with sybase.


Sébastien Sablé

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