[python-sybase] Segmentation fault

David Lambert dlambert at lambsys.com
Sun, 05 Sep 2004 22:13:23 -0500

I am new to this module, so please excuse the naive question. I have the 
follwing test program on a Fedora  Core 2 Linux

import Sybase

db =  Sybase.connect("TRAX", "etraxsales_user", "RxF39pqm")

print "db connect done"

c = db.cursor()

c.execute("select * from traffic_counter where traffic_count = 200")

print "Query done"
print c.fetchone()

Running the above test produses the following results (Note that I have 
inserted some debug print statement in the Sybase.py module). The user 
name and password are valid as the database is only for test purposes.

Any help would be appreciated.

[dlambert@security pySybase]$ python testSybase.py
Entering Sybase module
db connect done
Trying to open connection
Successfully opened connection
cmd = <CommandType object at 0xf6ffa800>
sql = select * from traffic_counter where traffic_count = 200
params.items() =  []
Successful end of cursor execute
Query done
In cursor fetchone()
just before _fetcher.fetchone(). _fetcher = <Sybase._FetchLazy instance 
at 0xf6ffa78c>
In _FetchLazy.fetchone(). State = 1
Length of array = 0
Array_pos =  0
Before _fetch_rows
After _fetch_rows
Segmentation fault