[python-sybase] Problem with calling stored procedures

Dave Cole djc at object-craft.com.au
04 Apr 2002 00:47:06 +1000

> import Sybase
> Sybase._ctx.debug = 1
> db = Sybase.connect('SYBASE', 'sa', '', 'pubs2')
> def test(table):
>     print "Test table:", table
>     c = db.cursor()
>     c.execute('select * from '+table)
>     c.fetchall()
>     c.close()
>     cmd = "sp_helpindex %s" % table
>     print db.execute(cmd)
> test('authors')

Ahh...  It does fail - it returns a status code from the stored
procedure of -6.  I have no idea what that means...

What I did discover though is that the problem is transaction related.
If I knew a lot more about isolation levels and how they interact with
stored procedures I might be able to give a more meaningful answer.

Try this to shed some light on the problem:

import Sybase
Sybase._ctx.debug = 1
db = Sybase.connect('SYBASE', 'sa', '', 'pubs2')

def test(table):
    print "Test table:", table
    c = db.cursor()
    c.execute('select * from '+table)
    cmd = "sp_helpindex %s" % table
    print db.execute(cmd)


- Dave
