[albatross-users] Question about frames

Axel Steiner ast-albatross at treibsand.com
Fri Jul 29 22:50:53 EST 2005


sorry for asking stupid again, but I have a problem
with frames. I've build a template with a frameset

<al-expand name="doc">
  <al-setarg name="title">Frameset</al-setarg>

  <frameset cols="250,*">
    <frame src="frame1.html" name="frame1">
    <frame src="frame2.html" name="frame2">

The 2 frames will not be displayed, but I can call
them direct. The funny thing is, that an iframe
works perfectly.

<iframe src="frame.html" width="90%" height="400" name="test" border="0">

Why doesn't Albatross handle iframes and frames identical?


"Unix is very user-friendly. It's just picky who its friends are."

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