[albatross-users] can't figure out why it's flipping me the bird

Eric S. Johansson esj at harvee.org
Thu Sep 11 09:36:27 EST 2003

started on another CGI script.  Obviously my knowledge is better and it went 
much faster than the traditional naked python CGI but I'm still hitting a bit of 
a roadblock.  In the spamtrap viewer I have a fragment of nicely working 
albatross that looks like:

     <al-if expr="line.value().checked=='on'">
       <al-exec expr="albatross_token = line.value().token">
       <al-exec expr="albatross_token = 'off'">

     <al-input type="checkbox" name="albatross_token" 
valueexpr="line.value().token"  list onclick="CCA(this,'mystery');DownHalt();" >

so now, in the configuration editing tool I have a similar problem (multiple 
data elements of similar structure) so I figured I would use a similar structure:

     <al-exec expr="albatross_token=line.value().field_name">
     <td><al-input type="text" name="albatross_token" size="50" maxlength="100" 
but all it does is give me...

    ApplicationError: al-input "albatross_token" not defined as "list"

I'm confused.  Is there an option I'm forgetting to set?

The only reason I'm trying to set the name is so I can identify each field and 
determine whether or not has changed from the previous value so I will know 
whether to write it out or not.

Looking forward to clarity and understanding, thanks


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