[albatross-users] trying Login

Eric S. Johansson esj at harvee.org
Wed Oct 1 00:51:12 EST 2003

Michael C. Neel explained:

> Not to send you on yet another exploration of login code methods and
> albatross, as it's getting painful to read about at this point *but*;

if it is painful to write, it should be painful to read (about)...

> have you considered sub classing the app class, adding in your login
> code, and then creating your app from this new class?  This way the
> login code is with the app, so it can know about all pages the app does
> but is also separate enough that the real app doesn't have to care about
> auth code and it portable to other apps.

because there is no win in futher complicating an already complex set of 
interfaces.  the login class is well encapsulated and Application already 
exports an interface that I can (and do) overload.

one of my points is that login application needs to know nothing about *any* 
application and any application should know *nothing* about authentication.

> This approach may even yeild a login class generic enough that it can be
> included in the toolkit at some point, saving others from having to
> recreate this wheel.

the base class is already generic enough as is the simple password database.

what's needed is a transfer mechanism between contexts.  Otherwise, you'll need 
to build login classes for every single type of application context found in 


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