[albatross-users] trying Login

Eric S. Johansson esj at harvee.org
Wed Oct 1 00:08:06 EST 2003

the more I dive into integrating the login code with albatross, the waters 
become murkier.  On the surface, it should be relatively simple.  I just can't 
find the way to the solution.

in implementing the login sequence, I decided to implement it as a separate 
albatross application.  The reason for this is simple encapsulation.  I don't 
want anything in the login sequence to become part of the application except for 
perhaps a small bit of user specific data.  I also want to isolate the 
application from different types of authentication systems.

given a simple environment with a generic application and the login application, 
  control between the two is passed via the method Application.login_validation. 
  This method is overridden with an actual test for authentication credentials. 
  If the authentication credentials are not valid, then the login application 
should start otherwise controls returned to the current application.

In theory, this should not be a problem.  In practice it is.

The current problem is transferring control to the login application and 
returning control.  The current push code only pushes known or registered pages. 
  The pop code pops to only known or registered pages.  With my current 
knowledge of albatross, this means that the login code needs to know about every 
single page that calls it.  This is not a high probability event for a couple 

so, my question is, how can I do a push/pop sequence to the login code and 
return the calling application if these two applications are independent.

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