[albatross-users] revisiting checkboxes..

Andrew McNamara andrewm at object-craft.com.au
Thu Jun 26 10:46:43 EST 2003

>I'm still unclear on how to get a list of what isn't checked off.  FYI, the 
>reason I just can't go back to the original source is because it's always 
>changing as more spam comes in.  Storing all the information in a hidden field 
>is possible but unpleasant to contemplate.

One way or another you will have to carry the list of "unchecked"
boxes across.

Some options include:

 - putting the full list into the execution context (ctx.locals), provided
   you're using a stateful application model.
 - putting the full list into a hidden field - I'm not sure why you suggest
   this is unpleasant - it's quite easy to do, and it will work with the
   non-stateful application model.
 - using separate names for each checkbox via the nameexpr attribute.

You might implement the last one like this (note - untested):

  Page module (or page class with some modifications):

    class SpamtrapTokens:
        def __init__(self, token_list):
            self.token_list = []
            for token in token_list:
                token_attr = 't_' + token
                setattr(self, token_attr, 'on')

        def selected(self):
            return [attr 
                    for attr in self.token_list
                    if getattr(self, attr) == 'on']

        def unselected(self):
            return [attr 
                    for attr in self.token_list
                    if getattr(self, attr) == '']

    def page_enter(ctx):
        ctx.locals.spamtrap_tokens = SpamtrapTokens( ... )


     <al-for iter="token_i" expr="spamtrap_tokens.token_list">
        <al-input type="checkbox" value="on" nameexpr="token_i.value()">

Andrew McNamara, Senior Developer, Object Craft

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