[albatross-users] A better page system

Michael C. Neel neel at mediapulse.com
Wed Jun 4 02:18:29 EST 2003


	The current Albatross system gives us "prev" and "next"
links/buttons; but I was wondering if anyone had expanded upon this yet.
I'd like to add to the system "first", "last" as well as "now showing
20-29 of 354".  Extra credit will be page numbers, so you can jump right
to page 8 in the result set and maybe some logic to group up the pages,
like "1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40" and then when on page 25 "10 20 23 24 25 26
27 30 40".  I can start on this myself, but if there is something out
there to use, leverage from I don't want to re-invent it.

	At point I'd like to add an alx-sqlfor to my axe tags (shame
less plug:  http://axe.sourceforge.net) that has this type of paging
system, but also is "database aware" so that it is not quering the
entire result set at once, just those records that are to be dispayed;
but still knows where in the set you are and how larg the set is.
Simply put, and advanced database cursor that can cope with the
stateless medium of the web.


Ps.  How close is that fabled new version of albatross? =)

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