[albatross-users] Wiki example and related extension: iterate over ctx/session

Gregory Bond gnb at itga.com.au
Tue Jul 8 16:14:55 EST 2003

andrewm at object-craft.com.au said:
> I'm not really sure what people are getting at here 

The sequence I was thinking of is this:

def page_enter(self, ctx):
	ctx.locals.session = ctx.session_vars() # aka ctx.__vars.keys()
	# ...
def page_display(self, ctx):

where debug.ht does
	Session Vars are:<ul>
	<al-for iter="i" expr="session"><li><al-value expr="i.value()"/></li></

This will not show 'new' as a session variable, because it was added after the 
session_vars() call.  Putting (a reference to) the __vars dict into the 
session will not have this problem.  

The other way around the problem is to do the "ctx.locals.session =
ctx.session_vars()" bit in every page_display() routine just before the
run_template call, which is ugly and unnecessary boilerplate.

Does that make it clearer?

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