[albatross-users] impedance mismatch 1

Gregory Bond gnb at itga.com.au
Wed Jul 2 10:44:13 EST 2003

One wrinkle on all this:

>       * "environ" when inside the template refers to the same dictionary
>         as "ctx.locals.environ" in the python code.

... and if ctx.locals.environ doesn't exist, then it looks for environ in the
global context of the _page display function_.  So you can do something like:

my_heading = 'Super Application'

class StartPage:
	# ...
	def page_display(self, ctx):
then, inside start.ht, something like
	<h1><al-value expr="my_heading"/></h1>
and it will work.  

But the trick is it uses the global namespace of the function that calls
run_template(). If you use page modules, it has to be in the page module.  If
you do what I do and have a library with a base class for Albatross pages that
has a run_template function, then you will get the global namespace of the
library module, not the application, unless you override the page_display in
your concrete page class.

(Which is probably as clear as mud....)

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