[albatross-users] Form Field Value Storage Changed?

Andrew McNamara andrewm at object-craft.com.au
Mon Jan 13 15:20:09 EST 2003

>    <body>
>        <al-form method="post">
>            <input class="button" type="submit" name="submitted" value=1>
>        </al-form>
>        Submitted? - <al-value expr="submitted"> -
>    </body>

The <input> element should be <al-input>.

What happens inside Albatross is that all the al-input's in a template
are recorded, and their details added to an "__albform__" hidden field
that is added at the end of the <al-form> element. When the form is
submitted by the browser, Albatross only merges inputs mentioned in the
__albform__ structure.

So, by using <input> instead of <al-input>, your input isn't recorded in
the __albform__ and therefore isn't merged back into ctx.locals on

Andrew McNamara, Senior Developer, Object Craft

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