[albatross-users] Form Field Value Storage Changed?

Michael Barrett mike at daboyz.org
Sat Jan 4 11:14:00 EST 2003

    Hi, I was writing an application back with .6 of albatross and thinks were
    working just fine.  However, I just upgraded to 1.0 and I've gotten most of
    the initial problems (random module became randompage, etc) fixed.  However
    I'm being plagued by another problem that I can't seem to figure out quite

    Pretty much, I have a form and before when I hit submit on that form it
    would submit to the same page.  The values that were put into the fields
    of the form would be accessible in the ctx.locals object.  For example,
    I had an input field (button) named 'query' which you would click when you
    were finished with the form.  Before I could just look at ctx.locals.query
    for the value.  Now however I no longer get any value in that variable.

    Has the way that form values are saved been changed?  As far as which
    context I'm using, it's the SessionFileAppContext.  I'm also using my own
    module to maintain the session data called RandomModularSessionFileApp,
    something I created back in .6 to bridge the gap that I had found.

    Any help you can give will be much appreciated.  Thank you.

Michael E. Barrett

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