[albatross-users] Two questions (client-side production of static pages)

Andy Gimblett gimbo at ftech.net
Fri Jun 28 08:08:44 EST 2002

On Thu, Jun 27, 2002 at 02:11:07PM -0700, Dave Kuhlman wrote:

> Sounds like you are asking for the template processing to be more
> localized and isolated from the rest of Albatross processing, so

I'm not sure if I agree with that: see below.

> that it can be called independently and even used in non-Albatross
> applications.  Are there other changes that should be made to make
> this more convenient?  For example, should we be able to pass
> values to the template processor in some way other than ctx.locals.

I haven't found using ctx.locals to be limiting, to be honest.  It's
pretty nicely general, isn't it?

> Well, I just looked, and the current mechanism seems pretty
> convenient just the way it is.  Neat.  I'm interesting in general
> text processing.  So a template processing capability that can be
> called from Python code in other ways sounds like a good idea to
> me.

Yes, I'd agree that the current scheme works well.  I don't think the
template processing needs to be isolated from the rest of Albatross,
and I say that because it's thus far the only aspect of the system
I've needed or attempted to use, and I've had no problems using it in

I think all that's required is a neat way to redirect output to an
arbitrary stream rather than just sys.stdout (though that should of
course be the default).

> Is this a request for "include" processing and an "al-include" tag?

I suppose so.  I was really just asking if there was a way to do it,
but if there isn't then yes, a request for such a feature would be the
next logical step.  :-)

> If so, you will need to define its semantics (processing).  Perhaps
> something like: "Includes are inserted, recursively, before other
> template processing is performed."

OK, I'll have a think about this, unless I see someone else attack it
first.  :-)



Andy Gimblett - Programmer - Frontier Internet Services Limited
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